SEALIFE Helsinki

Save energy and making work safer by reducing the need for diving into the underground reservoir.

About SEALIFE Helsinki

SEALIFE Helsinki is a public aquarium in the Finnish capital Helsinki. It is located at the Linnanmäki theme park, and is, like all other SEALIFE Centers, owned by Merlin Entertainments.

The request: Save energy and making work safer by reducing the need for diving into the underground reservoir.

See at the right picture the special designed priming unit, saving lots of wet suits a year!


After ATO Energysaving and the SEALIFE team performed a successful audit, we took up a couple of projects for the SEALIFE Helsinki aquarium.

For SEALIFE Helsinki, energy saving was not the only concern. The aquarists regularly faced problems with restarting the main Ocean pump, forcing them to dive into the underground reservoir. ATO Energysaving designed a priming unit, which was installed by the aquarium, to solve this inconvenience and eliminated the risks involved in diving.
Secondly, the 20-year old protein skimmer, lovingly nicknamed ‘Sputnik’, never foamed as it should. With a new set-up, including energy saving pumps, Sputnik is now feeling happier and is foaming like it never has done before.
Another project involved the improvement of the tropical system with new pumps and AFM filter media. This enables SEALIFE Helsinki to save energy, water and salt. And of course, the systems perform more efficiently while using less energy.

This is what we’ve achieved

For SEALIFE Helsinki

Saving on wet suits
Estimated kWh used properly
Average return on investment
0 Months

Let’s work together!

We understand that the habitat in your aquarium requires a precious balance!

We know what it takes to protect your rare sea life While optimizing your aquarium. We speak the language of your biologists, technicians and management, making sure everyone is involved in optimizing your aquarium.