Atlanterhavsparken Ålesund

Unique natural sea water fed aquarium in the North of Europe.

In the North of Europe we have an unique aquarium, which uses cold sea water, directly from the fjord, giving the habitat excellent conditions to live in. However, the 12 million litres seal pool could use some extra fresh sea water and so ATO Energysaving was ask helping to design a new path for having more flow into it. And so we did.

By upgrading the plant room with swopping cast iron pumps, who did require maintenance and even replacement after some years, into solid machined plastic ARBO centrifugal pumps, Atlanterhavsparken will get more for less. Now a same amount of pumps is serving all tanks and additional the seal pool with the lowest energy usage possible. And more good news as noise level has gone down significantly.

The replacement of the pumps has been performed by the amazing team of the Atlanterhavsparken with help from a very skilled nearby located Norwegian company. With this approach, the aquarium did get the best results with lowest costs and knows exactly the ins and outs of the new set up. Again a “getting more with less!”

Interested in our projects? Water quality in Seal Pool excellent

The last years, the visibility in the Seal Pool has been a worry as algae did flourish. Not enough cold, fresh sea water was running into the pool and so algae did take their chance making the water greenish. Note, we love “green stuff”, but not this way! 😉

With the now realized upgrade, in high season, each hour half million litres of water is flowing in, which has been taken from the fjord at 30 meters depth. Pretty cold and the seals love it!

Shortly the project will be completed with applying Abyzz axial flow pumps, which shall enhance the grow of kelp inside the exhibit. Spectaculair to see and it will support the removal of algeas in the most natural way!

This is what we’ve achieved

For Atlanterhavsparken Ålesund

Total volume of tanks and pool (liters)
Energy savings (kWh per year)
Average return on investment
0 years

Let’s work together!

We understand that the habitat in your aquarium requires a precious balance!

We know what it takes to protect your rare sea life While optimizing your aquarium. We speak the language of your biologists, technicians and management, making sure everyone is involved in optimizing your aquarium.